The Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone-Udine is a territorial public body (public law), operating in the area of Pordenone-Udine and it is the result of the merging process of two Chambers of Commerce: Pordenone and Udine, since October 2018. It represents, together with the Chamber of Commerce of Venezia-Giulia, the Chamber system of Friuli Venezia Giulia within the NAAN.

The Chamber acts for the general interest of the territory, in terms of enforcement, development and growth of local economies and enterprises. Strictly closed to its members (75.660 registered Businesses) and stakeholders, it provides horizontal services within: Business register, Protection and legality: i.e. Intellectual Property protection, arbitration/conciliation, legal metrology; analysis/ statistics.

Besides these, targeted services are provided in the frame of internationalization, digitalisation, valorisation of cultural tourism, support to new entrepreneurship and innovative start-ups, guidance on access to finance at local, national and European level, training programmes, and vocational guidance, as well as orientation and assistance based on specific thematic needs: i.e. labelling and food safety, sustainable and eco-friendly development.


  • Digitalisation: PID team provide assistance, guidance and training on digital innovation and Industry 4.0 program, on simplified compliance procedures, through:
  • Digital assessment available to micro and SMEs to evaluate digital maturity and identify the most suitable solutions, to provide (where appropriate) personalized orientation towards more specialized technological structures such as the Digital Innovation Hubs and the highly specialized Competence Centers.
  • Digital mentoring: a free individual service offered by digital experts with the aim of increasing companies‘ awareness of the potentiality and benefits offered by digitalisation.
  • Start up and Innovation – Access to finance

The area Nuova Impresa e Innovazione provides orientation for SMEs on incentives and contributions, as well as on digital finance: thanks to the cooperation with Innexta at national level, it makes digital services available to member companies, in terms of credit complementary finance and „Fintech”.

It also improves SELFIEmployment, the national project part of the Youth Guarantee program, which supports the launch of entrepreneurial initiatives promoted by young people aged between 18 and 29 years.

In addition, qualified assistance is provided for the simplified constitution of innovative start ups and, through the in-house structure I.Ter, training services combined with targeted advisory are made available for would-be entrepreneurs.

–              Support to employment and professional careers- extended work-related learning experiences. The area is focused in applying innovative models of school-work alternation, on which to converge the need for crossbreeding between educational institutions and businesses. Identification of targeted panels of companies, based on shared and updated indicators on the actual training and employment needs

–             Enhancement and promotion of cultural Heritage, valorisation of SMEs active in the sector of tourism: targeted activities and services to support SMEs in developing their potential with focus on sustainable tourism (economic, social and environmental sustainability).

–            Internationalization. Being part of the national Agency Promos Italia, and through its Special Agency ConCentro for Pordenone area, specific assistance is provided to SMEs in their process of internationalisation, i.e. assessment and check-up service, scouting missions, B2B meetings and participation in foreign exhibitions.

As member of the Enterprise Europe Network, it assists SMEs in the internationalization process acting also as guidance on European policies/ programmes, tools and initiatives.

It has a good experience in managing EU-funded projects in different sectors, in establishing international networks and communication channels to improve partnership programmes.

The Chamber of Commerce of Pordenone-Udine cooperates with two main Commitees: Women entrepreneurship and Young Entrepreneurs, whose members are appointed by local economic stakeholder Associations, with the task of sharing and improving support initiatives to the relevant target sector.